Once again the weather decides to act up.. for the past 2 weeks I've been complaining about excessively high temperatures.. and what does mother nature does to make me stfu.. send a blast of cold weather to teach me a lesson ARGH!!
Every time Maggie touches me with her cold nose I jump grr....also I am using the oven more than usual to help keep the apartment nice and cozy and on the plus side I have a lot of baked goodies to snack on hehe. I hate to cook on hot days but there is something about cold & windy days like this that make me want to lock myself in the kitchen and just go silly.. too bad Andy decided to go for the "light" everything on his diet.. oh well.. his loss *attacks chocolate cake* YUM!!
In other news.. I am cold.. oh wait... I counted the votes I got today for the OTcars so we are still on schedule YAY!