This is a serious entry and something to think about :|
There are rumors going around here (Brazil) that textbooks in the US are teaching children that the Amazon forest will be "invaded" by americans sometime in the near future because all the countries that surrounds the Amazon forest are full of terrorists, drug dealers, violence and basically people who is just destroying the rare ecosystem that lives there.
(no freaking s***!!! ) :roll:
To some of these people is like a slap in the face to have other countries try to save "their" forest by creating organizations to protect and preserve it... WTF is the rest of the world supposed to do??? watch some poor uneducated idiots cut all the trees & pollute all the water (the amazon forest holds a large amount of fresh water & believe it or not in a few years wars wil start because of that precious liquid) and just do nothing??? Is some of these people so god dammed ignorant that they are willing to let a place that could possible hold the cure to cancer and many other diseases turned into a parking lot because they are too F******* ignorant to accept aid from other countries?? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!
I did not study any of that invasion crap when I was in HS.. can someone confirm that for me.. maybe books have changed and the world has gone crazy since I left school...
Comments like this make my blood boil and the next raving lunatic who dares talk to me about it is gonna be hit in the groin and I dont give a rats about the concequences of my kicking actions.
PS: Just for the record NOT every brazilian agrees with this nonsense so please dont think everybody here is a nutcase.. but like in every other country there are some america hating SOB's who have nothing better to do than create mass hysteria just because their pathetic visa application was denied at the american embassy (I am assuming that is why they hate america so much)