Today you get no pic and no cute story...... why you ask?? I'll tell you why. I unplugged my adsl modem this afternoon because of a ungodly lighting storm that came out of nowhere and left everybody without power for about an hour and when I rebooted the stupid modem.... the damn thing didnt work so I was messing with it and nothing. I usually get it to work but today the darn thing refuses to cooperate so since I have a short, tabasco sauce temper with this kind of things I better leave it alone before I end up throwing it out the window.
So I am now stuck in 56K dial up hell (which I can only use from midnight to 6am because of the incredibly high phone rates during the day) until I can call tech support in the morning so they can tell me what the fox I did wrong.
I am not a happy puppy right now :cry:
Jumping up and down update and a little pic added for fun: I called tech support and I my modem is up and running again yay!! man... you don't realize how important some things are to you until you lose them... weird thing is that most people here worry about how to pay their bills or find a job when I am running around in circles over a internet modem that costs what some people make here a month.. crap.. I feel bad now.