drkeli / Member

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drkeli Blog

Well time again...

Well then it's time again to write here... I see that last time i wrote, i was looking for The Sims 2 skins and stuff like that... That would meen that it's about 2 years since i last wrote here. Well time goes by...

This time it's more about what i have been up to lately. For about a year ago i got a call into the navy. And have been there since. I only have about 1 month left of my standar time, and then im going into work. I can't wait to get out of the navy. Here in Norway we are called in to the navy, not going by us self. So i never wanted to go in, but had to, since it's the law... But now it's soon over and i can get back to my night of night playing games i so eager want to play online. I can't say have much i've missed the Live. I have not yet tried Guitar Hero 3 online, even that i have had the game since cristmas. Well well... This is my stop of this blog. think im going to write here more often. It's good to say something once in a while.

Well check out my new gamerscore when i log on in September.

Gamertag milogrubb88

Well bye bye for now. I'm going to bed. Only 5 hours to the wake-up call and then it's washing time... hehe...

Looking for

i am looking for a demo of "The Movies", and some skins to the sims 2 ex 2 (real clothes, not spiderman ect.) i am also looking for tatooes for the sims 2 chars.