droge085 Blog
Keep Old Rusty Part III
by droge085 on Comments
Yes those feelings are truely never wrong. Despite all those worries and tensions: however, he felt that nothing to drastic could happen to him. Well he was wrong this time. His dad took his keys, his phone, and his pride all at gunpoint. He then evicted him without a moments regret. As Rusty walked away, he took one last glance at his house with a tear in his eye. He then continued onwards.
I met Rust over a month ago. He was on his death bed waiting for the end of his days. I talked to him alot over the course of the weeks. He died of heart failure a little more than three weeks ago. I found his story startling similar to my own, especially with the dad and all. The two never talked after that night. I think over the course of the decades Rusty had tried to let the event and his dad go and blow into the breezes of the past. However I feel as though it had always haunted him, as my dad likes to haunt me. He kept it bottled down and away to the last of his days, but I'm pretty sure he knew that it was still very much a part of him. He died at the age of 49. I just thought someone might like to have heard the story.
As for me, I turned 18 on May 16. Not much is new. Really, its exactly as Rusty in the beggining of part I. That's another reason why I told the story-it's just so frighteningly similar to me.
Keep Old Rusty Part II
by droge085 on Comments
After a long night of shopping for ciggarets and porn rusty grew weary. He looked at his watch and decided to head back home to smoke said ciggarets and watch said porn. However when he got home there would be little smoking and even less porn watching. His dad had staid up all night waiting for Rusty to arrive. When Rusty saw this, he knew he was in deep sh*t. He didn't know why he would be, but he knew he was in for it. He could feel it in his bones. And those feelings were never wrong.
Keep Old Rusty-A Story of Three Stages-Part 1
by droge085 on Comments
So, it was Rusty's birthday on the 16th of May. He had just turned 18. He had been quiet antisocial for the past few months and was thinking of rejoining the social fray. But he decided that it could wait and that he needed more time to develope his own artistic abilities-that was the reason for his lack of presence. His birthday, being so uneventful left him with a bad taste in his mouth of the lackluster celebration. He didn't really care about the celebration as he was just happy that someone had remembered him. However, that day everything that could have gone wrong did and needless to say he was frustrated. Out of this frustration he went to go buy his cigarretes and pornography like a good 18 year old should.
...To be continued
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