drpdcaddy / Member

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ok .. todays wrap up ...

Its Sept 23 .. 2 days until Halo 3 .. Don't remember what I did yesterday .. Think I played some gears and thats about it .. I bought a ton more Atari games ... I know I got alot further in Zelda 2, well prolly not alot further but I'm getting along .. Tonight I played some gears then decided to go through Halo 2 .. to catch up .. Well .. I played for a little while then the disc locked sooo .. I'm done gaming for the night .. Busy week as far as shipments go .. I have 8 packages coming and I'm shipping 1 package tommorow .. I can't wait until Halo 3 shows up .. I got an email from Circuit city saying the respond to some email when i get the game .. Hopefully they shipped it ... I may have to wait a day or two .. that would suck ... Could buy the game local till it showed then take a 5-10$ loss selling back within a couple days .. prolly smarter to just wait .. We'll see what shows up tommorow ..