Pokemon Platinum Review
by drskeletor1 on Comments
So this game came out not to long after Pokemon Pearl and Dimond came out. No suprise the games are not that diffrent. All the events from the Pearl version and Dimond version are on the Platinum version. Below are some of the reasons though why to buy it. 1. First off they have that new pokemon that you get at the end. My friend caught one of them and said that it really wasnt worth it. 2. Demented World, a new place that supports the new pokemon. 3. New character design. The characters have some new threads in the game other then the ones they had in Pearl and Dimond. 4. Wi-fi plaza, this alows you to interact on Wi-fi a lot easier. The game is not that diffrent from its Pearl and Dimond relatives. There are limited changes so the games really only worth it if you don't have Pearl or Dimond. Score: -W/ Pearl or Dimond [5/10] -W/out Pearl or Dimond [7/10]
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