Different area of the question, but how long on average does it take for XBLA titles (arcade) to drop in price? For instance, I like the new game Death Tank, but 1200 MSP ($15) is a bit steep. How many months should I expect before it's knocked down to 800 or 600? I.e. Braid just dropped from similar price, and it's only been out for 6 months, but the success of this game could be different, so I don't know. Anyone have a clue?
You'd like to think with all the money they make that they would have someone for every department. But that's simply not the case. Gamertag bans are just a number of complaints in a short amount of time. Unfortunately it's just an automated service, and is irreversible.
Not true. First gamertag I had for over 3 years: Druchebag. Not offensive (even all Xbox live employees/agents/moderators agreed). Changed it a couple more times forcibly. Oh No Dru Didnt. Not offensive. Now I'm stuck with Alright Lets Go, because that's the mindframe I was stuck in. I would just make people report me for a free forced change, but I'm wondering how many forced changes until you get entirely banned.
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