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drummachick Blog

Term Of The Devil Is OVER!!

This term really kicked my butt! I am sooooooo glad it's over. I've been sick for a while too so that didn't help me in final exams. :( Tasty Sounds has been on hold for weeks. That really pisses me off cause I love doing the show. I'm wiped out and plan on doing absolutely nothing during the x-mas new years break. Well maybe some cleaning... LIGHT cleaning. :P In less depressing news I watched a cool show during my study breaks. Long Love Letter. It's a Japanese Drama. !3 eps. Look it up on crunchyroll. The synopsis has almost nothing to do with the story development. Not to give anything away... it starts as a love story then turns into a sci-fi survivor like thing. Check it out.

Yes We Can!!!

I am so happy right now! November 4th 2008 has been the best day I have had in long time. President Elect Barack Obama is the change this country needs. Let's keep the positive feelings going and believe that this man is real and will REALLY make a difference! I know people that are crying tears of joy right now. It may take some time for me to be able to fully express my feelings on this historic night.

Dance Party Pt. 2!!!

I thought she had moves before... This is one of her favorite songs right now. As soon as it comes on she lights up, as you will see. It's too funny.

Stupid Genius! (I'm back!)

I've been offline for since like the 13th or 14th (Millions of years to me). I finally had the time to turn my computer in for some repairs I'd been putting off. In the meantime I was borrowing a computer off and on. That sucks....a lot. I was super bored! I was supposed to get it back in 1-2 days....which turned into 5.....then 7....then "We promise 2 more days." So 10 days later I went to pick up my baby. She's good as new! Not a moment too soon either. Class starts TOMORROW! Since schools picking back up I'll be planning and recording more episodes of Tasty Sounds so don't stray too far! :P

Ya-HAAA!! Avatar FOUND!!

I'm soooo happy I got a new avatar! Behold Hiruma Youichi of Eyeshield 21! I'm extra proud of this because I made it myself. Pats to me! Well now that I know how to do it I'm gonna make some to alternate. I'm thinking Drunken Yamato maybe hehehe! If you haven't seen Eyeshield 21 it's great! I'm not an american football fan by far but I really enjoy the show. Hiruma-kun is so evil! Love it! YA-HAAAA!!!!!

TS #2 is wrapped!

Thanks to all that contributed to the Sounds of Summer show! I don't think I'll do a theme for the next show. I haven't decided yet. Keep a look out! I'll post when planning and recording for TS#3 starts! Send me you faves!

Oh This Is SOO Not Fair!! :(

As you may have noticed I had a pic of the AWESOME Yoruichi as my Avatar. But the site I was linking the pic from dropped the pic! How dare they! I've had that pic for a while and I was attached to it. :( :( :( Well, I guess I should have saved it when I had the chance. I have a temp replacement in the Team Minato to Team Kakashi flash but it's just not the same. So I guess I'm on the hunt for a new awesome avatar. Wish me luck! I have a feeling I'll be an avatar nomad for a while. :P

Now Recording TASTY SOUNDS #2!

(TASTY SOUNDS is my online radio show that airs through my colleges station on iTunes Radio) The theme of show #2 is "Sounds of Summer" I don't know where you are in the world but where I am it's hoooooooot! So with 1st day of summer recently passing I thought this would be a fitting theme. So here's where you come in: Tell me about the songs that spell summer for you. No they don't have to have the word summer in the title or lyrics but if it does that's fine too. To submit a song either PM me or email me at: Please include your name (real or username), where you're from, song title/ artist/ album, and why that song means summer time to you. If you want to read your message on the air just say "I wanna be on the show!" Looking forward to your input! drummachick

Tasty Sounds is a GO!!!

YEEAAH!!!! My show, Tasty Sounds, was put into rotation! It aired tonight and I caught it by chance. Again this is a for a radio station at my college that runs through iTunes Radio. Since my show was accepted I am now working on my next show. Tasty Sounds is an all music show. I just play what I love there are no genre limitations. What I ask from you guys is that you share what you love with me and the other listeners. If you want to be on the show contact me at: BIG PS!! If you have a band this would be an ideal opportunity to be heard. This station is regularly listened to around the world! Let's make this fun together!! Support TASTY SOUNDS!!!!

New Video!

It's been a while since I added a video. But I stole a minute and here she is. The best dancer in the WORLD!
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