Huh. So I see that GS has finally changed face. To be honest, I like it. Sure, it will take some time to figure out where everything is, but it's not gonna kill me. I look forward to the updates to both the forums and the unions.
In other news, I have been doing some hearty gaming here in Arlington. For starters, I broke out my copy of Diamond and created a team of my favorite Pokemon. Sandslash, Masquerain, Linoone, Flygon, Cyndaquil, and Mudkip. Right now, the Cyndaquil is a Quilava and the Mudkip is a Marshtomp. The Quilava's name is Anakin, and the Marshtomp's name is Kenobi. I even tried to get their natures to reflect their SW alteregos. Man, I can't tell you how sickeningly adorable it was to have a Mudkip named Kenobi, haha. It's a real shame that it's no fun at all to level up Pokemon in D/P. The fields are all filled with the same four Pokemon and it seems as though my Pokemon's types are always putting them at a disadvantage. =/
Besides Diamond, I've also gotten the chance to play Super Mario Galaxy. In fact, I beat it. With 69 stars (can't believe it only takes 60 stars to get to the final Bowser battle). I started a new save on my brother's roommate's game and just couldn't stop playing it once I started. It took me the last four days, but I did it. That game is FUN! And I lost track of the number of "I can't believe I just did that. That was too cool!" moments. Walljumping up waterfalls as Ice Mario was perhaps one of the coolest things I'd experienced. The level design is just outrageous. Even after beating the game, I still don't think I've gotten used to running around upside down and all around, you know, those crazy camera angles. I kinda miss being able to control the camera so strictly like I was able to do in SM64 and Sunshine, but the game still plays flawlessly. And I love the new power-ups, and the return of oldies. I do have to say though, that it was very wierd that I was able to beat the game so quickly. I found the game challenging, to be sure, but I guess I've just become really good at 3D Mario games over the years. SM64 took me half a year to complete. SMS took me a while, as well. So yeah...I think I'm going to write up a review for the game even though I don't own it.
Well, I'll be back home in two days, so til then. :)