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Dethroned: A Review of Final Fantasy XII

Last night, I found myself nearly taking complete ownership of the comment box for nirvanaphoenix's most recent blog post, effectively turning it into a podium for me and him to praise FFXII until our minds turned to soup. I realized by the time I chose to stop the "one-sided debate / kissed love letter to FFXII" that a couple of things had clicked in my mind without me really knowing it, things I've been thinking about, but were never really sure I wanted to publicly say, in case they weren't actually 100% true. Both "things" are personal conclusions; one will be mentioned a little later on while the other...the other was the conclusion that there is no way I'd ever be able to write a review, on this site or anywhere else, for FFXII for the simple fact that I can find no flaws in it. I literally love every single major, minor, and miniscule element of the game, and what good would it do anyone else for me to write a review when this review's only purpose would be to exist as a sappy block of adoring words. It'd almost be as bad as the user reviews I find here from time to time that don't say much at all except for one's personal opinion, in a single paragraph devoid of any semblance of proper grammar, syntax, or proper punctuation usage.

The funny thing is, when I went to write about these conclusions in my own personal journal, once I'd quit typing, I realized that exactly what I'd written was in fact, a review. A review for Final Fantasy XII. It's still not what I would call "critical" and it barely scratches the surface of what I could discuss within, but it does get the point across of how great a game I think it is and why I'd wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone willing to devote a great deal of time into a game that not only requires it to get even a remotely full experience, but thanks you kindly for your temporal devotion many times over with layers of subtle depth and gradually unlocked optional content.

So here it is, my review of Final Fantasy XII.

It's official. Final Fantasy XII has officially replaced FFVII as my all-time favorite Final Fantasy game. It only took thirteen years for a game to come along to do that, but it most certainly has now.

I'd go into all the reasons why, but then I'd never be able to stop typing. I find nothing wrong with the game and quite literally everything, from major aspects such as graphics and music and the user interface to incredibly minor things like how the Hunt system is set up and the fact you walk into stores and they all look different and are filled with fellow shoppers and appropriate merchandise on display, is phenomenal. If nothing else, the game wins out, not just over all other numbered FF games but over all other RPGs I've ever played, because of its totally immersive and enriching sense of atmosphere. FFXII's Ivalice has a deep history that is palpable in what the characters and NPCs say, the way the world's society operates, and the physical appearance of the diverse geographical locales, especially the cities. It draws you in from the first hour and holds you thoroughly even after you're done playing the game. It's amazing. A game has never done that to me, nor have I ever found a game that has so many major, minor, and even miniscule elements that are all at once so truly cohesive, relevant, innovative, and breathtaking. It's astounding.

No, this does not mean I've beaten the game. Not yet, anyway. Besides, I already know that once I've beaten the game and gone back to obtain more Espers and complete a few other sidequests, there will still be so much more that I can do (finding the materials necessary for the best weapons and armor, hunting even more Marks, additional sidequests that become available after completing others, etc., in addition to just running around killing things for the pure and simple fun of it, swapping Gambits and the gear on characters on the fly.).

Truly, expanding beyond the confines of genre cl@ssification(s), Final Fantasy XII is one of the best video games I have ever played in my life. If that statement is not a testament to this game's greatness, I don't know what is.
