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Duck, Duck, Duck, Goose

Bad: I've decided to quit WoW, for the third time. Between my internet not letting me connect to the game 90% of the time, my guild officially stating it's not a "raiding guild" and therefore deciding to stop raiding altogether even though we're freakin' fantastic at it, my new best friend halfway across the continent (the guy I was writing the RP story with) finding a girlfriend and dropping off the radar completely (though I'm very happy for him), and the fact there's nothing for a Seeker/Loremaster/non-PvPer to do besides raid, there's no longer anything in it for me. I'd rather save my money, tyvm, than blow it standing around in Dalaran shouting "Want to run heroics. Will pay" or some crap like that.

Bad: I had an interview for what would have been a great job at a really nice high school...but I found out yesterday I didn't get the job. Something about my personality...yeah, I'm gonna go reinvent myself as a selfish, mean-spirited b**tard. I think then I'll be more of a worthwhile candidate.

Bad: I almost passed out in my car while driving to work today. Oh yeah. Good times. I've always thought that if I started to feel real dizzy that I'd immediately think to put the car in park and put the hazard lights on, but my mind went absolutely blank and I just sat there as my vision blurred up just hoping the light would turn green. So much for my safety plan. At least I didn't pass out.

Good: My dad and I have been reorganizing the unfinished half of our basement and we stumbled across all my Scouting memorabilia. Patches, neckerchiefs, pins, books. In case I've never mentioned it, I'm an Eagle Scout and ridiculously proud of it. Becoming reacquainted with these treasured relics of a major aspect of my past has been the only thing that has made the last week livable. Truly.

If I wasn't so sure that eventually things will turn out okay for me, I really think I would have hit bottom this week. Either that, or I would have passed out in the car, coasted at about 3mph into the middle of a major intersection and gotten myself killed as a result of being involved in a major accident, whilst unconscious.

A guy can only take so much of this before he snaps.