So it was my birthday yesterday and I went and splurged on a 32 inch 1080p, 120hz Insignia LCD HDTV, using birthday money I've yet to receive.
All is going relatively well so far with it, in that when I tested out my new BluRay player using DVDs of mine, neither piece of technology disappointed me.
It was when I tested out the TV with FFXII on my PS2 and NSMBW with my Wii that I noticed some very sour effects. Namely, game-ruining lag on both counts and grainy-ness in FFXII. I know it's got something to do with the "native resolution" of older consoles, but there's got to be a very simple or otherwise inexpensive way to remedy these problems, right? I mean, HDTVs have been around for a long time, so surely thousands of people have run into the same issues and solutions have been found, right?
sigh. Let it be known I did not buy the TV just so my games would look better. That'd be a secondary plus. No, I bought it so I'd have a more current TV should I move out of my parents' house within the next few years, instead of the 19" tube TV I've been using since I was in the seventh grade. But the lag is just...disheartening. Right now, the TV is only used for video gaming and watching movies - I've never had access to TV channels on TVs I've owned personally. Bottom line: there's no way I could play anything with lag like that.
I heard there was a cable made by Nintendo that would fix the Wii's issue, but what do I do for everything else? Am I totally unable to play my SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, or Xbox on this new TV?
I throw all this out there in the hopes that perhaps one of you has been in my current situation and has found a way passed it.
EDIT: Is there a way to determine whether your 1080p HDTV can handle a 480p resolution? I wouldn't want to spend the money on Nintendo's cable just to find out it's not going to help me one bit.