Tonight, I finished book #11 of the NJO series.
It was such a great book. Not that any NJO book I've read so far hasn't been great, but this one was funny. Really funny. It had lots of humorous bits in it, and it's actually the first book in the series thus far to actually be this lighthearted. Serious stuff is still going down, but the mood and tone were not as dark and depressing as they have been. It was a very nice change. I'm certainly looking forward to the next book, Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand, and generally speaking, I'm really looking forward to reading the other SW novels written by Aaron Allston. This was the first one I've come across, and it was excellent.
Changing the subject, has anybody else seen this? Holy Christmas, can you believe that this game is coming out for the DS? I sure couldn't, especially from those graphics. Kinda makes you wonder why all 3D DS games haven't been made to look as good. Why must we settle for crappy 3D when provided any 3D? Simply put, Square Enix continues to show that save for Nintendo, the first party itself, it is the only company that has shown itself capable of making consistently remarkable 3D DS games. Overall, this upsets me only because I ache for a quality Star Wars game on the handheld and have only found such a thing in Lego SW: TCS.