It has been three days since Jagauric began his journey. He is now much stronger and knowledgeable in the ways of a shaman. It feels comfortable, as though he's been doing it his entire life. Serac and his friends have not been around much in person to help Jag out, but he has received many letters from them wishing luck and continued success.
Yesterday afternoon, he found himself in his first group, doing a bunch of quests on Bloodmyst Isle. It was a very comical, pleasant experience, and Jag was very happy to realize in retrospect that he'd probably made some friends out of it. Then, yesterday night, he bumped into the Draenei warrior, Mangoni, from the group at Blood Watch. The two of them grouped up again and started working on more quests together. During this time, Jag and Mang really got to know each other. Mang had a real sense of humor and was quite skilled in combat. In fact, his combat prowess was made even more impressive by the fact that he too, was just starting out on a journey of his own and had never even gone out adventuring before! Almost immediately, Jag had a lot of respect and admiration for his new good friend.
Today, the most amazing thing happened. Jag found a younger brother he never knew he had. It turned out that Mangoni and Jag both had the same mother! Ironically, they each greatly resemble their fathers and this is why they didn't make the connection sooner! It was their similarities in used facial expressions, diction, and other traits that made them begin to think. Jag and Mang were both very elated at this revelation. The good friends were now close brothers. There was never any awkwardness. Bonding began yesterday, before they even knew of their blood bond! Beating out crossing paths with Serac, this was the happiest event to happen thus far in the journey! As happy an occasion as it was though, because Jag didn't know Mang was his brother until this day, Mang wouldn't possibly be able to shed any light on what happened to Jag. "At least," Jag thought, "I have a new brother that can join me in my quest for the truth. We'll venture together and have each other's backs." They may not have grown up together, but now they would live out the rest of their lives with the other firmly in it.
At the time the revelation struck, Jag had been in Ashenvale, en route back into Darkshore to head by boat from Auberdine back to Azuremyst Isle, to trek back to the Hidden Reef just offshore of Bloodmyst Isle to complete his shamanistic Call of Water quest. Mang had been questing in Darkshore. Now though, they were both in Darkshore. Jag had decided to visit his "new" brother in the forest. Once he found him, together, they thought they ought to drink in celebration. So off to Auberdine they went to buy some mead from a vendor. Sadly, when they got there, they could not find a single vendor that sold alcoholic beverages. Furthermore, other members of the Alliance present claimed that they weren't strong enough to handle alcohol anyway, though they were mighty close to being so. In the absence of booze, they figured chugging ice cold glasses of milk would suffice, for the time being at least. Then, Mangoni took out some Red Speckled Mushrooms from his backpack and they each ate one of them. It was brotherly bonding at its finest.
Sitting there in the Auberdine inn, Jag then asked after finishing his glass of milk if Mang would be interested in joining him down to the Hidden Reef. Mang was honored and accepted the request. Thoroughly loopy from whatever was in the milk (no worries about the shrooms… -_-), they ventured off to catch the boat and make the trip all the way to the Hidden Reef. At some point along the way, Jag grew concerned that perhaps Aqueous would not take kindly to him bringing a non-shaman into his domain. Jag soon pacified the thought, though, by considering that kindred relations outweighed cl@ss or so he hoped. Thankfully, Jag seemed to be right, as Mangoni was embraced, not chastised, by the water elemental.
It was a special moment for Jag and Mang. It was an important occasion for Jag in his studying of the ways of the shaman, and it was a unique opportunity for Mang to bond further with his older brother and to witness and celebrate Jag's accomplishment, at a level that seemed deeper than most could ever reach (no association with the depths underwater intended). Mang was witnessing one of Jag's four Rites of Passage, if you will. This was a rare opportunity indeed. Jag was beaming to have his brother by his side.
And so things have changed now, drastically. Three days in and Jagauric has already found himself an alliance with a band of trustworthy strangers and a brother he didn't know existed until now. If this is a sign of what is to come, then we can only hope that Jag is prepared enough to meet head-on what lies beyond the fog of the future.