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Like a hole in my wallet (a rant of sorts)

I've got a serious problem. Between all the FFXIII coverage this week and what I've checked out about ModNation Racers, I am more than tempted to buy a PS3. This is BAD. Here I am trying to save money and stuff keeps coming into view that I want to buy. I mean, I think I could really do without FFXIII, especially since I haven't finished FFXII yet (and I am LOVING FFXII), but if I suddenly owned a PS3, that'd be a surefire purchase. I'm glad Modnation Racers is coming out on the PSP because I could technically get it for the handheld instead, but it just doesn't look half as snazzy as its PS3 counterpart, sad to say. So what to do, what to do...

This, on top of the fact that I have so many uncompleted/untouched games in my collection. For instance, I've yet to touch my DS copies of FFIV or Chrono Trigger, or Etrian Odyssey II. I have unbeaten save files on my copies of Soul Bubbles, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, and Henry Hatsworth. Also, I've got my poor FFXII save that I started back in November that got thrown to the wayside when I bought my Wii and played through Super Mario Galaxy through December. Since New Year's, I've been working extra hours in the morning so I haven't had any time to play any video games at all whatsoever since the start of the year.

I guess I feel guilty about having bought games I haven't touched and not having finished games I bought. Those cases seem like a waste of money, even though the games I haven't finished are games I'm really glad I bought. They're fun and enjoyable. Heck, there are games I have beaten that I'd love to go back and play again! But no time, and I digress. It's just bad all around. I truly have never had such terrible backlog before. Is just a simple consequence of being out in the real world and having grown-up responsibilities? I know the days of day-long gaming fests are long over, but from a certain perspective, if video gaming is what I like to do in my spare time and I haven't gotten to play any video games in months, doesn't that mean there's something awfully wrong going on?

It's all because of those added morning hours. I don't actually know how much longer I'll have to work those hours, as it's just a temporary situation, but for as long as I've worked them, they've been a double-edged sword. While the Center has taken quite a hit compliments of the struggling economy, I've still been making somewhat good money, money I should be saving more than spending. The morning hours have provided a nice boost to my usual paycheck. However, these hours have rendered me the possesser of next to no free time. I wake up, go to work, go home for lunch and a short nap, then head back to work, and then it's 8pm and dinnertime. If I was teaching at a high school, I'd be done with work by 3, 4 or 5 at the latest on most days. That's still much better than what I've got going on right now. So it's wierd because I feel like complaining about it, but then I'm thankful for it at the same time. I'm looking forward to when I'll lose those hours for the sake of getting my free time back, but then, I'm not because then I won't be earning as much money. Know what I need? A real teaching job. At a school.

Okay, make of all this what you will, haha. I certainly didn't mean to go off on tangent after tangent like I did, but I think I'll keep it all. It'll be interesting to see what people choose to comment on. :|