In light of my recent decision to jump back into reading Star Wars novels, I have also decided that since my wallet is not bottomless, I am going to have to eliminate some games off my want list. Surprisingly, this wasn't that hard to do. I had a lot of games in my "tracking" list that I was just barely interested in and so they were quick to go and easy to let go of.
What went and what stayed? Well, Advance Wars Days of Ruin is off the list, for starters. Since I just bought Dual Strike last November, I'm really in no rush to get another AW. Plus, I think that one game will suffice for a good long time as far as AW is concerned, anyway. Another game off the list is Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles. This game got knocked off simply because in the grand scheme of things, I hadn't been psyched about it long enough and also, there are just too many other games I definitely want. Like I said, I don't have the money to go and buy everything. And besides, I take pride in the fact that my DS collection possesses no stinkers, no bombs. I don't like wasting money, and I certainly don't like looking back and realizing I wasted money. So, yeah. I'm sure many other gamers will wholeheartedly enjoy those titles, but I won't be one of them.
Now on the other hand, games that are definitely still on the list, that I'm really excited for and wish would come out like, tomorrow, are the following:
Nanostray 2 - Despite the mediocre reviews listed thus far on this site, I am remaining optimistic that this game will provide an incredibly fun and challenging "shmup" experience. I'll probably spend some of my birthday money on it.
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword - This game looks beautiful. It seems to play really well. And it has ninjas. You cannot, I repeat, you CANNOT, go wrong with ninjas. I've been tracking this game for what feels like a year now. When it finally does come out, I'll be ready to get my ninja on.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Just recently did I become ridiculously excited about this game. Yes, playing and beating Lego Star Wars did partially act as a catalyst for these feelings but still. I love Star Wars video games. Shadows of the Empire, Battlefront, Battlefront 2. Yeah. The story alone has got me very intrigued. My only reservation at the moment is how it will look and play on the DS. I've seen screenshots and trailers for console versions and it looks dang good, but how will that translate onto Nintendo's handheld? I want to do all that crazy **** with the Force, too!
Exit DS - Ever since I first noticed the PSP title, I was interested. An interesting arcade-like puzzle game involving a Zorro-like can you not be intrigued by that? Now as you must be thinking, no sooner did I start getting excited about the game did I notice it was a PSP-exclusive. "NOOOO!!!!!", I thought. Well, someone got smart and now there's a DS version coming out. How closely it will resemble or identically match the PSP version is still an unknown, but however, I've seen a trailer and I can't wait.
Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman - Following on the tail of LSW comes these two destined c-l-a-s-s-ics (I really hate this bug/glitch/whatever this dumb). If you think that it's just going to be more monotonous stud collecting and character swapping, you're wrong. These two games are going to be tailored to each franchise's unique stories, universe, and feel. The recent issue of Game Informer went into quite a bit of detail regarding how. Seeing as how even the DS version of LSWTCS shined, I don't see these games being anything less than awesome. Sure I wish the DS version looked as good as the console versions (soooo shiiiinnnyyyyy), but as long as Traveler's Tales is making the DS versions, then I have nothing to worry about except how I'm going to make it until their respective release dates, which btw, are June and autumn, respectively, atm.