I hate to admit it, but my brother has managed to corrupt me...again. I knew my chances of resisting were going to decrease a bit once the new expansion was announced, but I was doing so good and I really thought I still stood a chance. I was wrong. Today, my brother managed to convince me to reactivate my WoW account. My third tour of WoW has begun.
I'm doing things completely different this time, for the most part. Since I'm pretty sure there's nothing waiting for me on my old server except for my old characters (no guild anymore, all my other friends quit or faded away), I'm moving over to my brother's server to be with his friends in their guild. That makes sense since he's dragged me back into the fray. Instead of Horde (which I love to death), I'll roll Alliance this time. We'll see how that goes. There are very few Alliance locales that I actually enjoyed back during the first tour. At least I'll be playing as a shaman again. There are truly only a couple of cl@sses that I actually feel skilled and comfortable in playing. Druids, hunters (kind of), and shaman. My previous main was a shaman, and he was awesome. I love shamans to death. So I'll be a Draenei shaman, and I'll try my very best to make him super bad*** looking. His name, will be Jagauric. Pretty cool, I say. Jag (as in Jagged Fel from Star Wars EU lore) + Auric (made up name, I think...might be from Power Rangers, of all things). So people can call me Jag, or Auric, and I am referred to by a really cool name either way, hehe. It actually beats my other shaman's name in that respect. That one's name was Dyamikaga, a name only I seemed to be able to pronounce correctly. So I adopted the nickname DK and that reigned for the duration.
This is such a bad idea for so many reasons. And yet I'm doing it anyway. I have work. I have Star Wars books I want to read really badly so I can catch up. I have DS game backlog, with more games on my list and a slew I'm looking forward to next year. And here I am, starting up WoW again. What is wrong with me? There must be something wrong with me. This is the power of WoW. Never start. Just...don't. You may think you've moved on, but it's always there waiting for you to grow weak for a mere moment. It's all so sad. ;)