There's something wrong with me. I recently spent lots of money on the new PSP, the new PS2, and a few used games, and now I'm browsing for another game. It's all because of my cousin.
I get to blame my cousin for a lot of things, but in this case it's the fact that he was the first person I knew to own a PS1. By owning said PS1, he introduced me to my second RPG ever, Final Fantasy VII, as well as introduced me to Jumping Flash! and Wipeout. I can't recall how much I played Wipeout at his house. I remember my brother and I hounding him to play through all of Jumping Flash! time and time again with us merely watching. But anyway, I've always had a thing for Wipeout because it just looks so cool.
Which brings us to the present predicament. I am aware of two Wipeout games out for the PSP, Pure and Pulse. I also know of some of the differences between the two. Pure has the capacity for twice the content it starts with via downloadable content minipacks. Pulse does not have content packs in the US, but it does have the ability to use your own music and it has a neat single player campaign mode where you have to complete races of certain game modes before moving on to the next difficulty. I've read tons of reviews, professional and player, for both games and as far as Pulse is concerned, I keep hearing that it's "too repetitive". Meanwhile, Pure's got a boatload of content. I understand that Pulse probably has better graphics than Pure, since Pure was a launch title, but on Youtube vids, you can't tell the difference and the interface during races is pretty much the same.
So, to any PSP owners out there, which would you recommend for someone (read: me) whose practically a Wipeout newb?