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dscrubslayer Blog

I got an X-box 360!

I dont know if it was a bad choice or not, its just I really wanted to play Halo 3. So I had to buy it, and I bought the new Sonic!! Its pretty fun. :D Does anyone here have a Wii? I wanted to know if the swinging of the "Nun Chucks" was annoying.Well I got a New XBL GT. If ya want 2 know it PM me. Well thats it I guess... Happy Turkey Yesterday! :D :D :D :D:D :D :D :D


.Hack// Vol. 1 Rebirth

Its a really fun game I beat it in 3 days, Im level 42. I was not dissapointed in this game the only thing I was dissapointed in was that Game Spot gave this a 6.3! I went to a website and I regret it because there were spoilers everywhere!!!!! The ending of the game kinda left me hangin' so I was a little frustrated with that but I'll get over it. So If you don't have this game I reccomend it, BTW if anyone needs any help in the game feel free to ask. Oh yeah I got Final Fantasy 12 pretty cool game but it doesnt have the final fantasy feel to it. :D New blog picture. Well now Im bored... NOW TO GO PLAY G.U.!!!!!! 8) Now Im adding pics cuz im bored.

Ok Im done... :D

Some really Bad news and some good news to follow.

Well I had a friend her name was Allie, and a couple nights a go she choked herself. She is now brain-dead on life support and there is no chance for her. Unless theres a miracle, but i doubt it. I can't imagine how her parents feel... :( 

Well heres some of the good news: There making a Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and it includes a new Chain of memories called Re:Chain Of Memories

At school today was my friends b-day. yay. We made a play about pirates. I wrote the entire thing!! I was Actor/Developer/Thinker. Our teacher said we went Above And Beyond exelency and we were all "Hellz Yeah!"

My mouse is gona have babies and i dunno what to name 'em i need some ideas. I'll let the people here chose their names. My friend gotta cell phone.

For halloween im being a pirate and it going to be awesome!!! We are having this super big carnival at our school and ppl usually pull fire alarms, spray ink in peoples eyes and/or hair. Win lame prizes that we set on fire. POWER TO THE PYROS!!!!

Hehe me and my friend started a bonfire in our backyard. We cooked a fish! But he soon became ashes... :( now that he's ashes my sis will never find Nemo... :D

Been playing Halo 2 X-box live. Team swat now ranked. The modders, Standby'ers, and Bridgers are all taking it over. So I go to n00b games and pwn hardcore! w00t!

Pirates of The Carribean Dead mans chest comes out December 7. Special edition  'bout fifty bucks (thats what im getting! Hurray!) the normal is about 20 bucks or around there.

We gotta new fridge and some other stuff. Now we have two fidges and 3 freezers!!! YAY! We painted our garage all blue-ish.

Okami is out and looks as fun as hell so i might pick that up soon. I don't wanna waiste my money i need it for a Wii and for a PS3. Those are the only system Square is willing to release Kingdom Hearts 3 on.

Some new songs by Utada Hikaru. Your Easy Breezy but im Japanesey. Speaking of japan im learning how to speak Japaneese. Kon'ichi'wa Wat'ichi'wa Awesome. I said " Hello Im awesome"!!

Well Thats Pretty much it.

Allie will always be luved

Wow...the last month has been...AWESOME

Yeah well i stayed at a holiday inn and got free coffee and refreshments all night!!!!!! My dad spilt hot coffee on! i worked on our land and made 50$, came back and played tons of video games, got a new MP3 player. Got my FF 7 back after my friend said he lost it, got a Motorola RAZR V3 (Black)!!!!! I stayed at a friends house and they have top notch bee-bee guns and we had fights with them and we played CTF wit them. And my friend went home and left his gun and im keeping it!!!!!! Wow this month has been awesome... :D :)


Me and my friends have been exploiting glitches alot for the past 2 week mostly halo 2 i found out a cool Glitch in kingdom hearts we got out of all the maps in halo. we found some in the sonic games. so if u like glitches and crap like that post in my blog and if u dont i really dont care just post ur opinion :P if u want to know about a cool glitch just pm me

My Birthday hurray!!!

i got some games and cool stuff for my birthday and i got X-box live. I went to Best buy, my dad said i could get whateva game i wanted oh that was cool and saw an my old friend Gabe so this is a great B-day! post ppls :D
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