Yes, I'm back. And I feel ignored.
TALK TO ME. o.o;
Hey, ya'll. I'm not going to be able to respond to any of your messages or post any lovely blog posts for the next two weeks for I will be in Finland visiting relatives for two weeks straight, starting from July 15th to the 29th. I'm not sure if I'll have Internet access, but I highly doubt I will. It's a little early for me to be sending this out, but I've got a lot of places to notify my absence, so might as well get it over with early. I'll be on before the 15th hits, but afterwards until the 29th I will be unable to respond. I'll be having fun with realtives. Well, let's hope. It may be hard to have fun with a bunch of people who barely speak English when you barely speak Finnish. o.O
So that's what's going on with me. Love ya all - dsgban64pcgc
I give up.
I've stopped with unions. I don't ever visit them, and I keep getting mail from the union and it's clogging my inbox and I am totally done. more union requests. Unless it's small enough for me to get to know everybody or you're my friend and you're trying to start a new one. And you won't globber me with mail.
Now continue on with your pathetic lives.
(I decided to get funky with my fonts today. And, you're lives aren't pathetic. Unless your the owner of a union that clogs my inbox with mail. /Then/ your lives are pathetic.)
Yeah, that's right! When I go to Best Buy to buy my extra styluses, I'll be buying Zoo Tycoon for my DS! I can't wait! The summery of the game on here doesn't make it sound all that great, but my friend has it and it's awesome. Maybe I'm just interested in the wrong games. :P
Anyway, I just want to let you know, I haven't died, even though it seems like I have because I have nothing new to say, and still don't besides getting Zoo Tycoon for my DS. o_O
Feel the warth of the bright colors of my new banner! After all, spring has FINALLY arrived (I really hate winter). I haven't quite changed the blog banner yet, and I might not even get around to it.
Sorry that I haven't been on for awhile. I got FOUR requests to join various unions. Snowjo and SOLIDUS_SNAKE sent them to me. Here is why I didn't join three of the four I recieved.
The PS3 one I recieved I did not join because I do not have a PS3 and I do not plan on getting one either.
 I didn't join the Yoshi one because even though Yoshi is one of my all-time FAVORITE characters, I don't have any games that include him. :(
The XBox 360/EA Games one gave me the urge to join, because I am a fan of EA Games, but I don't have an XBox 360, and again, do not plan on getting one.
But I DID join Reviewers Legion. I do review a lot, and enjoy reading other reviews. So even though there were well over 1000 members, while I prefer small ones where I can get to know EVERYBODY, I decided to join.
Well, I went on the Ipod website the other day, and apparently freaked out for no reason. All you had to do was reset it. I justed figured that if you can't turn it off, it wouldn't reset either. But it did, and it's all back to normal now. I was all worried that all my songs would be erased, but thankfully they're still there. I downloading some *better* songs on there now, so I've become even *more* addicted. O.O
In other news, I just got a completely random buddy request which I accepted...because I was in a good mood. Normally, I wait for a message or message them myself, but I was in a pretty good mood, so I accepted anyway. So, say hello to my newest, and second, buddy, Snowjo!
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