Feel the warth of the bright colors of my new banner! After all, spring has FINALLY arrived (I really hate winter). I haven't quite changed the blog banner yet, and I might not even get around to it.
Sorry that I haven't been on for awhile. I got FOUR requests to join various unions. Snowjo and SOLIDUS_SNAKE sent them to me. Here is why I didn't join three of the four I recieved.
The PS3 one I recieved I did not join because I do not have a PS3 and I do not plan on getting one either.
I didn't join the Yoshi one because even though Yoshi is one of my all-time FAVORITE characters, I don't have any games that include him. :(
The XBox 360/EA Games one gave me the urge to join, because I am a fan of EA Games, but I don't have an XBox 360, and again, do not plan on getting one.
But I DID join Reviewers Legion. I do review a lot, and enjoy reading other reviews. So even though there were well over 1000 members, while I prefer small ones where I can get to know EVERYBODY, I decided to join.