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So Kid Icarus Uprising comes out friday and I've decided I will be getting it. I do however wonder if I should get resident evil revelations, mario 3d, mario kart or another 3DS title besides kid icarus.

3DS Price cut!

So I must say, when I first heard about the 3DS' $80 price cut, I was ticked off. But 20 free games for those of us who already bought one is freaking sweet, and they're good games too. What does everyone think about it?

Pokemon black

Got pokemon black today, good stuff. I like the game so far and have put about 3 hours in already. Can't really give a decent review though since I just started.

Nintendo 3DS

For anyone who has yet to try it, I highly recommend playing the new Nintendo 3DS. Although the high price and low battery life are drawbacks, the gameplay experiece is unlike any other. I was pleasantly suprised to find that the 3D function is truely remarkable and I can assure anyone that it does work the way you would hope. The sense of depth really does bring you into the game. The only game I have at this point is Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition. I find this to be a great fighter and have spent hours playing it. I also enjoy the online battles; although some development is necessary for the online battles, they are fun and load quickly. Overall, I think that everyone should get the chance to at least try the 3DS; the system is truely revolutionary.


Sooo.... since the last time I blogged I've beaten Zelda Spirit Tracks and obtained Rabbids Go Home. Not much else so have a nice day :)

Finally playing Zelda!!!

The wait is over for me! About a week ago my brother bought the Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and I finally got to play it today. I'm not that far but at this point it is a true Zelda game which I love (it is my favorite series after all ;)) but yeah I'm so excited and can't wait to get further!

Fire Emblem

Alright so I just beat Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and in my opinion the game was pretty good. Although at times the story was difficult to keep track of, and the final boss was incredibly easy (I took0 damage) I would still recommend the game to fans of the strategy/rpg genre.

Spirit Tracks

So just yesterday my brother bought The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Haven't played it yet, but I'm sure it's AWESOME!!!!