I woke up today around 8am and knew today would be a manly day. I put on my flannel-lined corduroy pants, my WPI t-shirt, a jacket and my Irish hat and turned on my computer. I immediately went to YouTube and started listening to the manliest band I could think of, NoFX. I listened to NoFX for about an hour and headed off to breakfast where I had an omelet the size of a small child filled with bacon and ham and cheese. Cheddar cheese because it's the manliest cheese of them all. I then went to my first cla$$ where we talked about Kinetics of reactions--that is like having things SMASH INTO EACH OTHER AND DO STUFF. Then I went to a lecture on really big towers used to clean emissions from coal-burning power plants. That's just awesome and manly since the towers are, like, 800 feet tall and 60 feet wide (completely serious). Then I went back to my dorm room and drank some water (but in a manly way) and played some video games. Then I did some homework and went out for fried chicken and bought the beverages that I am currently feeling the effects of and watched stand-up comedy for, like, 3 hours. Then I made some Easy-Mac and turned on Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, which is likely the inspiration for me to do something stupid like write a blog. Now I should go to bed. Have a very manly night and a very manly weekend. Also, check out Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, it's a quality web comic.
Hit me up if you want me to science you in the ways of carbon dioxide scrubbing in coal-fired power plants. Or just science you in general.