For those of you who follow the Valve ARG, I recently accidentally became one of the key players in it. One of my many personas was "Francis York Morgan". Right after the ARG started, I began recieving messages from Harold E. Larsson (Pr) (aka HELPr). I was the only receiving these messages for a while, and in total I have received 16. Most are horribly cryptic and some are actually kind of frightening. For more info, check out:'m Francis York Morgan)
That aside, I've taped myself and my friend Sean (I think he's Reyson here) doing an Altair25/RangerD12 inspired "Let's Play". As it turns out, Xfire is an even worse recorder than WeGame. What should have been a 30-40 minute playthrough took nearly 4 hours because it kept crashing. My point is, more dubel_07 NSFW content coming as soon as I sift through the 175 gb of 1080p footage and sync it with Audacity because for some stupid reason Xfire can record Skype and In-Game at the same time but can't record my voice.