Speed reviews of several movies I saw over the past year (that you probably didn't) and some others
Movies that looked good and were good:
- Zombieland
- Kontrol
- Night Watch
Movies that looked bad and were good:
- The Expendibles
- Dead Sno
- Resident Evil: Degeneration
- Despicable Me
- My Name Is Bruce
- Battle Royale
- The Descent
- Pandorum wasn't bad, either
Movies that looked good and were bad:
- Fortunately, none
Movies that looked bad and were:
- Clash of the Titans
Things involving moving pictures that I look forward to:
- Venture Bros. Season 4.5
- Burn Notice Season 4.5
- The third movie in the Night Watch series
As the drama that is my incredible life unfolds I shall notify you. Any questions on these movies, gimme a holler and I'll elaborate.