People are odd. Just a thought. I mean, people are so hypocritical about certain things that it makes me sick. There is so much bias about certain subjects... Myspace, the death penalty, religion... I could go on for days, but why should I? If people don't like the responses they know they are probably going to get, then why put it up. Debates are fine, but when it comes to calling names, and telling others that they don't know jack about the topic, it blows my mind. Why do people put touchy subjects on the web? Everything gets blown out of proportion and then that causes problems. I don't talk crap, I give my honest opinion, and then I am done. Don't start fights with me, I don't like it. Frankly, I find it annoying and immature. It's childish and chicken. Causing mischief is one way of letting people know how narrow minded a person is...
Like religion... I don't care what you believe or not. Just don't push it on me. I'm generous enough with my time to even listen to it. Don't push your ideals of grandeur and crap on me, please. I've heard it most of my life and will continue to hear it till the day I die. It'd be nice to not have to hear it everyday. So thanks everyone.
Mating and breeding... That's your own hang up. I don't care what you do. I ain't involved with your problem and what you should and shouldn't do. People are going to do whatever they want to so why ask? You get sideways answers and snide comments anyways. Asking people you don't even know their opinion on something that they don't even know the background to isn't going to help in any way shape or form.
Myspace... It's a website and condemning it for what it is is just dumb. A mature person would leave it alone because that's all it is, a website. Generalizing on what people do or who they are is biased. I have a Myspace. I like it. Don't call me EMO or any other stupid thing like that, because you don't know me or what I'm about.
Sexism... yes, I am female. Listening to the **** that is spewed on to some of these message boards is enough to make me gag. Not every person cares about what gender a person is or what they do. If I wanted to hear crap, I'd turn on my radio and listen to Tom Leykis. Yes, truly a spewer of blah and sexism. But hey, my opinion and that's how it stands. If you can't stand it tough. I didn't become a gamer to hang out with guys. And frankly some of you "little boys" weren't even a twinkle in your daddy's eye when I started playing. So STFU!
Meh, what do I care, I'll get crap about this anyways because that's how people are. I ain't taking this to the court of public opinion because I feel like it. I don't care about the topic or the comments. Comment away....
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