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Rebellion Developments....exhibitors at E3

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As I expect most, if not all of you, to know..E3 is next Monday. I am for one very excited. Not only for all the new games, announcements and more media for currently developed games. I am more excited because one of my fav. developers is a exhibitors there. This excites me for a couple reasons. Rebellion has had a record of delivering fun games. They have also had a record in the past couple years for not delivering like they once had. I have played Shellshock 2..enjoyed it. Have yet to play Rogue Warrior..but I know its not going to be great. I recently just picked up AVP and its easily Rebellion best developed game since the first AVP and sniper elite. Like most the game isn't without its flaws..but its positives out weigh the negatives.

My point of making this blog is to express..what does Rebellion have in development. Breaking down what the company has done in the past. They release a couple games a year. Some of these games being licensed games for other contractors/publishers. Some based on their own IP. As of now the only game announced for Rebellion into 2010 is Sniper Elite Wii. What else do they have? AVP was just released and for the rest of the year we have no idea what they have planned. My guesses can only be this. Sniper elite 2, Rogue Trooper 2 or a new ip will be announced/shown. It only makes sense. Why would Rebellion be at E3 when they have barely anything to showcase? Sure they have Sniper Elite wii..but beyond that what else? This is why I believe they will announce new title(s).

Out of all these I am most excited for another Sniper Elite. The first, while I have yet to finish, is a great sniping game that really brought out the realistic accuracy of being a sniper is all about. Taking note for wind, gravity and heart rate that's awesome. With also the announcement of Sniper Elite wii..it only makes sense that they are testing the waters for a sequel. Lets be honest though..while Sniper Elite has a good following and is hard to find..it didn't sell too many copies. Which is again why the test of the waters theory makes sense! Also with the release of Sniper Ghost Warrior later this month from City Ineractive..it only brings out the comp fire and lights a fire under Rebellions a$$ to excel.

Beyond Sniper Elite Rebellion has a chance to bring back Rogue Trooper. Which was a good little budget game released at the start of the next gen era. It was highly overlooked and is highly underrated. Its a great little title. I would love to see the Blue Soldier to return sometime on next gen consoles. Rebellion have also shown interest in association with Sega and fox to do a sequel to AVP. This however, won't see the light of day for another couple years.

Rebellion owns a comic book and a book imprint and a couple studios. So we may see some ip's from that as well. I know some people have been screaming for a Evil Genious 2 (picked up ip when they bought a studio)

All in all E3 is going to be exciting and when Shane from Invisible Walls says this is going to be the best e3 yet..I believe him. I can't wait!