I have been follwing this game since its anoucement. It seems interesting and with a slew of arcade games it would be nice to have something realistic and tactical to play. Aside from the game aspect. This needs to be released as a story product. To showcase one of the most fierce battles in the war on terror. Obviously since people have nothing better to do they attack this game. Which is odd. They mention that its disrespectfull and the story shouldn't be told as a interactive product. One with gameovers, and restarts as their sons, daughters, relatives, friends did not have this during the conflict.
A thing people do not get is..it is..a game. A interactive experience. Wit ha game you have restarts, gameovers etc. Thats just how it works. Another thing is..why attack this game? When there is games based off, World War II, Desert Storm, Vietnam, etc. which were all more bloodier conflicts than the taking over of Fallujah. Why attack this? I can understand why..but its not justified. Your son. Dasughter Relative, friends. They all did something. They served their country, to not only better themselves but to help their country as awhole. To make sure I can wake up every morning and be free. For this I give them great resepct.
Lets also not forget Atomi games is not glorifying the war. Their team is filled with ex soldiers. They also have Marines (who approved the product) over seeing the project. Making sure its was realistic as it can be. Which is exciting. Atomic is not glorifiying it..making it a cod experience. They are making it a serious game with a serious tone. The yare not making a political Satire. One that question if we should of been there. They are developing a game..with a purpose. A purpose to showcase the War In Fallujah and the tragedies our soldiers faced. Yes it is a game..but its one that is taken..and should be taken seriously.
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