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dudedudedude123 Blog

Neverwinter Nights

I only have one character running through the actual campaign, and that's a Tiefling Sorceror. I play the online module, The Nexus frequently, if you play that one, look for me! My Nexus character is Murkrow Kilth. I used to be the infamous Murkrow Wheresthebathroom, but Xang made me change. Murk is a paladin, with a New Found Glory longsword (+1 Enc bonus, +2 Deflection ac vs. undead, 1d6 divine damage, and I usually put greater magic weapon on it wich gives it another +4).

Super Smash Bros. Melee.

I just can't get the Final Destination stage... But I have all the chacters and next to all stages. I have All-star mode, the sandbag trophy, the target trophy, and Tom Nook.