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Half-Life 2

Mario Kart DS

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Halo 2

Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green

Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle)
Finally i don't regret buying the ds
This game is h4rdc0r3. BUY IT! Everyone will love it except old people. And old people hate all video games. I remember playing this on the Nintendo 64. Now it is back anc better. It would have been cool to use the touch... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (Limited Edition)
One of my least favorite games. I returned it and yes they took it back and it was opened.
Wow! The single player was bad and i never had xbox live at this time so i never played multiplayer. Single player was bad. The graphich were Playsation 1. The dialog was bad. The story was bad. To top it off you get "bu... Read Full Review
0 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Halo Zero
Glitches take away from cool gameplay, so much work went into this.<br /> Download it, Beat it, Delete it...thats how i
Its really cool. SO, SO, SO much work went in this. Everything from character design to sounds to text all in a 2D sidescroller. I would not buy it, but you may want to check it out as your are waiting for halo 3 on the ... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Dont Buy1. 3-9 hour patch 2. Not enough changed for an expansion pack. 3. STABILITY IS STILL BAD
You look at this game and say wow a l33t sequel to a l33t game. Well it could have been. Just the stability issues held it back. Guess who released a beta for a final...again. I am just mad cause all the money i spent. I... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Battlefield 2
best online shooter......if it does not crash
I love this game! One of my favorites. I spent a few weekends playing this game with a friends. I mean all weekend. Sound great right...NO! It is the most unstable game I have ever played. Its like the beta for the fina... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Best platforming fighter combonation EVER!
The first one had puzzles, but bad combat. The second had awesome combat, but not enough puzzles. Here they found the combination. This game is epic and fun. You will find yourself sitting next to a friend playing this a... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Halo 2
Warning: After you buy this game and get xbox live you will never have a life!
Where should I start. This is one of the best games ever. You sit down to play the single player. Its Great with the epic story. Then, you cry when it is over after how long you waited for it. I am not the kind of perso... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green
most definately not l33t.
This is one of those games you give a friend for the holidays because you hate them. I would do this, but $30.00. I wonder if the makers liked it. I don’t know. The main question is what was the budget. Possibly they cou... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Half-Life 2
You see tons of PC shooters all the time, but this one has story, gameplay and runs smooth.
You see tons of PC shooters all the time, but this one has story, game play and runs smooth. I played this game until i beat it. Everyday i got on the computer and played this for hours. I guess you could of said i did n... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
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