just cause you're a jobless virgin doesn't mean others are too; i'm a lawyer, and i think she has a case if she wanted to pursue it... which so far, she hasn't shown any proclivity to.. so why the **** is everyone losing their shit right now?
you're not a celebrity though whose likeness is known the world around and who actually has image rights that are recognized in the sphere of intellectual property. if she wanted to sue, don't think too many lawyers includings yours truly would laugh.
As much as I normally respect Kevin's opinions, I seriously question how he defines "fluid." It's not even "not fluid;" it's downright wooden with the protagonist standing perfectly still until the strike lands with no real transitional animation in between. She runs up to the opponent, stands in front of them completely upright, then bashes them pressing one button after the other. Pretty adamant, I'm just right as opposed to this simply being a difference in opinion. Not even the combat, movement, platformng, everything is wooden. Look to uncharted series, tomb raider, assassin's creed, or basically... any other action-oriented game to show what fluid means.
And yeah, completely agree with you... seriously getting tired of being told where to go constantly. I actually don't mind a static storyline with one ending- in fact, i prefer it- but at least let me move around a little a la Bioshock Infinite.
The only plus is, I liked the world they created, the memory changing thing was interesting, which made it all the more baffling that after the first "memory remix," you have to wait for the next one longer than you'd think. Instead of immersing yourself in the storyline and excellent world with its ethical quandaries, you get to fight some doofus called X-Mas who isn't even fleshed out in one of the worst boss battles I've played in a long long long time.
Jesus, I'm not really even a "gamer" per se and I rarely leave any comments... maybe twice a year. I come to gamespot more out of habit than anything else and use it as a "news source" for games, but this is just about the first time I read a review piece and thought wtf.. i need to rant a little. BTW, game has been promptly uninstalled. There was potential there somewhere. Damn shame.
dudnaito's comments