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duffman0hy3a Blog

Are in-game ads really that bad??

Look I agree with the fact that some ads arent needed, for instance, All Pro Footballs Stride Lasting achievement... Come on You guys, an achievement with a marketing ploy?!? Thats a little much, BUT when i play games that involve going around a familiar city, or a realistic city, is it all that bad to see an ad for something like Pepsi on a billboard? To me it just brings more realism to the game. And besides all that even with in game ads, some games still get jipped, i'm looking at you MLB 2k7...

Come on Coke, how hard is it honestly to lease a license to get that big ole bottle of coke in a stadium... honestly...

Just Remember Games aren't made worse by ads, they made worse by the fact that people dont take their time as much to make a good game...