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duffman5027 Blog

Halo3 venting

I apologise to every1 for wut i am goin to say but u can go suck it this is how i feel. Halo 3 is anything from a great game. yes the multiplayer is amazing but for a game with that much hype it kinda sucked. the single player story was horribale. destroy the flood, stop a conevant prophet, and destroy a forerunner device. i feel like Ive donw this before, oh wait i have its called halo and halo2. if you look at improvements between halo 2 and 3 there are sum let downs. graphically i was very upset. the environments looked really good, the water, fire, plant lifeit looks good. 2 bad the bulk of the game takes place in hallways or a f***** dessert! and player annimations during game play look bad. coming off playing games like Bioshock, Madden, and the orange box im really upset. bungie you could have put in the time to make he master chief, arbitor and the brutes looks sick but instead it looks like u recycled all ur ideas from halo2. Probably my biggest problem i have with halo 3 is the massivly retarted melee system. for those of you who dont or understand the new melee system it judgeswho wins a melee battle by who has the most Health left NOT by who connects with their melee FIRST. this can ruin games because if i am fighting multiple people at close quarters chances are my lifes gunna be lower than urs if u can get enough shots on u that a melee will kill you yet we both get a melee im fien with both of us dying, not this bull**** that since i had no shield and u had 1 centimeter of shield left u stay alive adn i die. if i had ran up to u and meleed u from the side you would have died. if i had a full shield and ur melee would not have killed me but i land my melee first you should die. if i beat you to the punch i did exactly that BEAT YOU TO THE PUNCH which means you should die. for the best explanation and examples of this check this out I think bungie would be better off leaving storylines out of it. Spend all ur time working on multiplayer and graphical qualities. make it sum thing like unreal tournament where the focus is on gameplay, match types, and map quality because we all know the halo 3 maps suck. except for last resort, valhalla, and high ground those are the only evenly balanced maps.

I am sharing this with you because of dumb people who are praising this game as one of the best gaems out there which it is not. it is a mediocre videogmae with an amazing multiplayer. seriously if you take the multiplayer out of teh halo franchise and just look at the game it self compared to other shooters out there its not good. but call me a hippocrite because i will still be playin it. i just wanted to throw that out there so **** off!

Some new stuff has gone down

It been awhile siince my last blog so. I finally broke down and purchased Xbox 360. Only have tow games for it and im still messing around on my PS2. Been working my *** off making that money. construction in the summer sux but, ya gotta do wut ya gatta do. I am leaving in 2 weeks to go on vacation to the outer banks, north carolina. I cant wait to go to obx. My best friend and second brother Tim is meeting up with us. Tim is enlisted in the U.S. Navy and hes been on base for aroudn a year. So we get to go on vacation for a few days before he comes back home for a week anda half. Thats gunna kick serious ***! Well thats it for now. I am wantign to start coming back around GameSpot so I am going to make an effort to show up alittle bit more.

Peace Peoples

New Computer!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it is tru ei have bought a new computer! Here is alink to his website.

I bought it off of all i had to add to it was a 256 mb ATi Radeon videocard. thsi might not be teh best compouter out there but it is the first computer ive bought for myself and the first serious gaming computer. Now i can play Oblivion and Shivering Isles the way they truly were meant to be played. Lata

I just need to vent

school sux. classes are retarded. the only thing i enjoy about school is being able to see me friend jess but now even that in goin to s***.  winter break is comin up which means i go home. which mean back to that corner of hell. i dont wanna go home and have to deal with all the crap that comes along with gettin back together with people i went to high school with. im 19 and im already lookin forward to gettin the hell out of college now. i bet most of you dont wanna hear this, story of my life, so im go to "escape reality" for a while. ill talk to all u wonderful people later.

man i wish gamespot ley me curse in my blogs. ****

Oblivion MODs and Sanctuary

hey all its been awhile. Just got a few things on my gaming mind. first off joined a new Union here at GS. thanks to blaingstar for the invite. its actually a good union, pretty much the only one since i joined FFE. come check us out.

Next on to the awesome mods ive been downloading for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. if anybody playing oblivion im am highly recomending, no wait, i am ordering you to check out the mods gamespot has up. they are awesome. im hopin to get the expansion pack for xmas and i hope that the mods i have now are still useable with the expansion pack.

well it has been a while since i used my blog here or really cruised GS. im hopin to get back into sum of my old unions and sum new ones (sanctuary...wink..wink). im out peace

GameSpot just confuses me

Since I have became rather inactive with in the few unions I still belong to. I have jumped up almost an entire level!?! This situation jsut confuses me but hey now im at level 16! YAY!!!

I am abandoning GameSpot

I dont have time to get on and post so i have resigned from all but a few of my unions. i will still be dropping by to those few unions to see how they are doin and to get updates on stuff but when it comes to posting im pretty much done. its been fun.

To buy or not to buy Elder Scrolls?

Im thinkin about buyin Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. the only problem is that i enjoy havin a social life!! i knwo the secdond i buy it i will be sittin in my basement playin from the second i get home from work to the second i got to sleep.... if i go to sleep. Im so confused. im pretty sure im buyin though.

I'm back around....hopefully

Srry for my absence as of late ive been movin home and outta the dorms down at school and startin work up full time again and on top of everything my laptop crashed on me. so hopefully that will be fixed by teh end of the weekend and i can get back on regularly. im writtin this on my dads comp which im really not supposed to be using so i wont bw back on till next week some time.....hopefully. latta

E3 baby

Its that wonder filled time of year we have all come to know and love called E3. Im lookin forward to hear the dirty on all of Square Enix's ventures and get sum info in the PS3 and Wii. i might be around the next couple days just got done movin outta my dorm. Year one of college in the books! later playas
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