I apologise to every1 for wut i am goin to say but u can go suck it this is how i feel. Halo 3 is anything from a great game. yes the multiplayer is amazing but for a game with that much hype it kinda sucked. the single player story was horribale. destroy the flood, stop a conevant prophet, and destroy a forerunner device. i feel like Ive donw this before, oh wait i have its called halo and halo2. if you look at improvements between halo 2 and 3 there are sum let downs. graphically i was very upset. the environments looked really good, the water, fire, plant lifeit looks good. 2 bad the bulk of the game takes place in hallways or a f***** dessert! and player annimations during game play look bad. coming off playing games like Bioshock, Madden, and the orange box im really upset. bungie you could have put in the time to make he master chief, arbitor and the brutes looks sick but instead it looks like u recycled all ur ideas from halo2. Probably my biggest problem i have with halo 3 is the massivly retarted melee system. for those of you who dont or understand the new melee system it judgeswho wins a melee battle by who has the most Health left NOT by who connects with their melee FIRST. this can ruin games because if i am fighting multiple people at close quarters chances are my lifes gunna be lower than urs if u can get enough shots on u that a melee will kill you yet we both get a melee im fien with both of us dying, not this bull**** that since i had no shield and u had 1 centimeter of shield left u stay alive adn i die. if i had ran up to u and meleed u from the side you would have died. if i had a full shield and ur melee would not have killed me but i land my melee first you should die. if i beat you to the punch i did exactly that BEAT YOU TO THE PUNCH which means you should die. for the best explanation and examples of this check this out http://youtube.com/watch?v=WU0q2g_PV5A. I think bungie would be better off leaving storylines out of it. Spend all ur time working on multiplayer and graphical qualities. make it sum thing like unreal tournament where the focus is on gameplay, match types, and map quality because we all know the halo 3 maps suck. except for last resort, valhalla, and high ground those are the only evenly balanced maps.
I am sharing this with you because of dumb people who are praising this game as one of the best gaems out there which it is not. it is a mediocre videogmae with an amazing multiplayer. seriously if you take the multiplayer out of teh halo franchise and just look at the game it self compared to other shooters out there its not good. but call me a hippocrite because i will still be playin it. i just wanted to throw that out there so **** off!
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