What is so special about Rage? These are the four things that Rage will bring us and only one of them(megatextures) is new to consoles
1.) 60fps
2.) megatextures
3.) pre-baked shadows
4.) no global dynamic lighting
There you go. The game that is already being hyped as the best console game ever before it even has a release date.
-60fps (we don't even know if it will be native 720p, mostly likely not gonna happen on consoles. COD anyone?)
-megatextures (means all textures will be one single unified gigantic texture piece. This has nothing to do with fine textures up close)
-pre-baked shadows (c'mon)
-lack of global illumination (Crysis 2 already wins in this spot)
-bland water effects, low res textures
nope, each texture can be unique, rage will have less repeated textures than crysis 2 or killzone3.
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