Ok, long story short. My 360 is busted (video won't show, micro$oft wants me to hand over 100 dollars) and the 360 won't work unless I do the towel trick but it will work for about a good 10 minutes before the graphic starts getting watery. Well I'm thinking about selling it on ebay with a good 14games, a 20 hdd hard drive (with a couple of arcade games), most of the games listed, I have bought downloadable content for it (including L&D for GTA); the broken 360 (including the brick and cables). How much would that get me at the most?
Its basically the same sh*t just different toilets, point is movies like superbad aren't going to be available on the 360 and thats gonna suck big time. : (
"Talk about a case of bad timing. On the eve of the big launch for the New Xbox Experience -- which, remember, marks "a new dawn in home entertainment" -- we've learned that Netflix streaming won't have quite as many films available as we had been hoping. Joystiq learned earlier this evening that a number of films -- including both Ghostbusters and Bad Boys -- are now unavailable to be streamed to the Xbox 360. The common link between the suddenly unavailable flicks is that they are all from Columbia Pictures, which is owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment. The films haven't disappeared from Netflix altogether; they are still available to be played on PCs and on TVs through other devices, making this seem like a petty move on Sony's part to try and take the wind out of Microsoft's sails.
As it turns out, it seems like this is simply a matter of licensing. Given that Sony BMG music is available through the Zune Marketplace and other Sony Pictures Entertainment movies are still available for streaming through Netflix to the 360, this might not be the proverbial middle finger that some assume it is."
I own both, but this is just ridiculous and immature of sony. Microsoft got OWNED.
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