Yea hes rite you can't trust it once it dies, If i were you i would sell it and get a slim or new 360 at least you would have a year warranty and a better system
dukess882002's forum posts
Yeah I was thinking the new 360 because the PS3 ylod comes from all types of stuff not just heat, wheres the new xbox 360 will shut down and save its self. The Ps3 is also capable of doing the same but it did not with mines twice I just cant trust sony and the ps3 anymore at least microsoft fixed its problem
Okay so my Ps3 got the ylod and I got it fixed, a week later it did it again. I hear that the Ps3 heats up faster than the 360 and that the ylod is not all about a overheating Ps3, so I'm tired of this and I'm thinking of getting the new Xbox 360 but should i really do it. I hear the new 360 shuts down when its too hot and the Ps3 slim overheats as well, I just wanna make the right choice so should i get the 360 or slim? help please
I just got mines fixed and it died a week later, Its not even a heat problem, maybe it's my internet or my power outlet but sony needs to do a better job sloving this problem. To be honest your best choice is gettin the new slim, but Im tired of sony for now im thinking bout gettin the new 360, it's your choice and ps3's heat up faster than xbox, so just sell it now and use that money to get a slim unless you like playing your ps2 games since you have a 60gb goodluck
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its too boring over there. It wud feel like u were in jail. It needs to be somewhere with beaches and sunlight and a huge dowtown with lots of fun. VICE CITY or SAN ANDREAS just put them both in the game.
My controller just did this like 5 minutes ago i had to press the little black botton and now it works fine
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