Don't know what gamer are you
My new blog-post might help you find out what type of gamer you are
Test yourself by choosing your colors and discovering what kinda gamer are you!
Enjoy :):):)
You love any modern day or futuristic shooting game
You don't enjoy violent games
You like games where you are able to use magic powers to defeat your enemies
You enjoy fantasy games
You like games where you are able to build your own war city and create huge modern day armies
Human Simulation games are your favorite types of games
You like games that give you the option of being a goblin, mage etc
You enjoy playing online 1st person shooting game (E.g. assault, death match, last man standing and team matches
You like games where you are in a position to control an army and build one
You love nuclear power
You like Sims 2 games
You like games that give you a wide variety of weapons to pick up
You hate old time war games
You've played most of the Command and Conquer games and enjoyed them
You love games with blood and snipers
You like games in which you have the freedom of creating your own character and control them
You like mythology games
You like destroying other player's basses online
You've played one of the final fantasy games before and enjoyed it
You like games where you are in the position of looking after pet's or human simulation's hunger, bladder, hygiene and social needs
Mostly blue: You are an intense modern day game shooter and most important you love lots of action.
games recommended: all the unreal tournaments, gears of war, all the rainbow six games, counter strike etc
Mostly green: You are a simulation freak you can't take games with blood and all that shooting stuff. You like being in total control of something.
games recommended: all the sims 2 games, the movies, those tycoon games etc
Mostly red: The real supreme commander! You love destruction!
games recommended: all the command n conquer games, supreme commander etc
Mostly purple: the magical majestic mage...thats all...
games recommended: all fantasy games...