So, today I played 'Team Deathmatch' on LIVE for the first time. Actually, more like played Xbox LIVE for MW2 for the first time today. WELL ANYWAYS, people on there are such dicks. Of course, I have a 1 Rank and everyone else I'm playing with is like 50 Rank or so. FML. But these guys were talking and name-calling and stuff. I was like, WOOOOWWWWW, could you be a bigger dick? Whatever, I just don't like to listen to these kids...
dunderri Blog
by dunderri on Comments
Okay, so a couple days ago I got a MacBook Pro (simply beautiful & amazing) and also got me an Xbox LIVE 12 month Gold Supsription - pure awesomeness. And then yesterday, I got Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for the 360 from Amazon (I guess it was a late birthday/early Christmas present from my brother). Life is pretty good right about now and also a friend just bought me Assassin's Creed 2 for another early Christmas/late birthday present. NOW LIFE IS AMAZING. Haha, but yes, there is a large amount of stuff coming my way this Holiday season and I am no where in the right mind to complain.
I wonder if other people have been as lucky as me...
Hey, can you say that again please?
by dunderri on Comments
Kids these days... I swear. The Internet is no excuse to use sucky grammar, unless your either (1) retarded, or (2) really young and really stupid. Haha, I was watching the Left 4 Dead 2 Review and this was one of the comments:
tonyhawkillerPosted Nov 29, 2009 9:25 am ET
yeah this is fun to killing the zombies with the chainsaw awesome game its a game that has only zombies cool i like horror games right this is a cool game
I'M SORRY COULD YOU SAY THAT AGAIN PLEASE?! I didn't hear you the first time! Seriously, I don't know where I should pause or take a breath. I think he should change his username (although it shows about 1% creativity w/o the double 'k') to specialsteve111. It would only be grammatically correct and/or fair.
OT & Religion
by dunderri on Comments
STOP TALKING ABOUT RELIGION @ OT PLEASE. I know people are able to talk about anything they want but it is getting on my nerves. It is like, (1) I do not care what religion you are, (2) stop telling me that my religion is bad and that I am wrong, and (3) go suck a dick because I am not gonna listen to this argument... LOL. I have better things to talk about @ OT than arguing about Atheism and whether or not people have evidence of something. Yes, I believe in God, so kill me. DAMN.
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