After careful consideration and a day or so to cool off from the ending, I have decided on a score for the series.
Avatar: The Last Air Bender: 10/10
Avatar: The Last Airbender centers around a young boy named Aang, a Buddhist child from a tribe of people that can control Air, called Air Benders. However, this boy is unique. He is the Avatar; A special individual who can master ALL four elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Water). The Avatar is meant to be the savior of the people, and the one to set the world back into balance. It is said that the Avatar will destroy the Firelord, the leader of the evil Fire Nation that declared war on the other three Nations. However, when he is needed most, he disappears. He shows up 100 years later, found in Ice by two Water Tribe citizens named Sokka and Katara. Katara is a Water Bender, the last of them in the Southern Water Tribe. Sokka is her foolish wise-cracking brother. Aang must learn the other three elements since he had only mastered the element of Air. An idea is brought up to go to the North Pole where the Northern Water Tribe resides in order to learn powerful Water Bending. Katara, not having a Water Bending teacher, shares this interest. With mutual interest at heart, the three set off to the North Pole.
This show is as close to perfection as possible. It has everything you could hope for and more, each element pulled off with finesse. It has a love story that is not annoyingly frequent, t...he characters and their development are simply amazing. The characters are likeable and there isn't a single character that is overwhelmingly annoying. Each character is diverse, each suffering through unique struggles that move the story along on the personal level. Most characters are easy to relate to and the humor is simply fantastic, never suffering from unintentionally cheesy attempts at being ... See Morefunny. The balance between humor, drama, love, and action is flawless, which is a thing not many shows can hope for. The story moves along at an excellent and interesting pace, which is another thing shows normally suffer. The world is original as well as it's history, and the whole package is incredibly interesting. Unlike most shows, you aren't overwhelmed with needless history to their world's (something shows like Naruto and Bleach suffer from). The powers aren't original on the surface, but the concept is. Each power is used logically and complexly, while at the same time being understandable. The use of each element goes beyond magic seen in other medias; it is almost a science. Condensing fire to lightening, freezing water to ice, using water in blood to control people. making stairs and traps out of earth, and gliding with wind are just few examples of how the "Bending" is used.
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the characters and story is that of Zuko, a banished Prince looking to regain his honor. To me, this character pulled the show together. His interactions with the main character, his dilemma with his father and his situation with his uncle and sister are all touching, epic, and seemingly perfect aspects of a good story. He is the driving force behind most of the series' strongest moments.
The story takes itself seriously, but not too seriously, which is normally a fault in shows, but this show pulls it off perfectly. The animation ****offers plenty of humor as well, which is part of why the humor works out so intelligently. The character of Sokka is also a character of note, being the meat of the humor along with MoMo and Appa.
This show even managed to slip in human to pet bonding, providing a specifically emotional episode entitled "Appa's Day". This show is highly recommended to anyone looking for a good show. Regardless that it is aimed towards the younger audience, it holds themes and story arcs that most kids will not understand. It has underlying themes that everyone can appreciate.
Go in expecting to laugh, cry, shout, and be on the edge of your seat. Avatar: The Last Airbender is fighting with Full Metal Alchemist as my favorite anime and is waging war against "24" as my favorite show of all time. BUT, Jack Bauer is winning. Lol.
The show is available on Netflix Streaming, all three seasons in excellent quality.
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