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Sorry I was gone for so long

Hey everyone I'm back. Sorry I just kind of up and left without a word but things have been crazy the last year or so. Hopefully I"m back for a while. I really miss the game mansion union and I hated to see that it disbanded, but hey I understand that that stuff happens. I'm tryin to make a new union based on DC Comics news and if your interested in joining let me know by pm.

Well lets see what's been goin on since I last posted. I'm now married and just celebrated my 1st year anniversary with my wife a couple of days ago. I've moved on from FFXI and am now playing WOW all the time. Tryin to get back onto City of Heroes as well, but might be a little while before I'm able to do that. I was moved to the 6a.m. to 2p.m. shift and then to the 10p.m. to 6a.m. shift, and am now moving back to the 6a.m to 2p.m. shift in about a week. Yeah its been crazy. Still goin to school tryin to get my degree. Besides that nothing much has changed. Oh yeah got my wife a yorkie puppy about a year ago and he's kinda turned into my dog because I spend more time playing with him than she does and he follows me around everywhere. He will be two years old come this December. Besides that not much else is going on. It's always a race to get the bills paid every month and I've applied at a couple of jobs and been interviewed by one. Still waitin to hear from them on whether or not I'm gonna be hired. Once again I apologize for just up and dropping gamespot like I did, but hopefully I"m back for good. Leo if your interested in starting the games mansion back up i'm behind you man. Those were definatly good times.

DUWAT OUT, but not for another year lol.


Well everone I can finally tell you the big news. I'm engaged. I was planning on asking her when I wrote my last entry, but I couldn't very well tell everyone before I asked her. It just didn't seem right. Sorry I had to keep you guys in the dark. I asked her on the 16th of this month, that night, and of course since I said we're engaged she said yes. Just wanted to let you guys know the big news. Again, sorry I had to keep everyone in the dark. Well, till next time. Cya.

Stayin Strong on Quitting

Just wanted to let everyone know that I've stayed strong on quitting smoking. I've been smoking for the past probably 8 years. I've been keeping myself busy. I've only slipped up once, and that's because I had like 4 people around me smoking and I was about to go off on them so instead I just got a cigarette from them so that I wouldn't. It's been real stressful, but I've been keeping myself busy with moving my girlfriend, work, and getting ready for summer classes at college. I want to thank eveyone for their input in my last entry. I really apreciate more than you can imagine. It makes it a lot easier when you know you have people backing you up. Thanks everyone again. Look out for my next entry. I think I should have a big news to tell everyone hopefully. Sorry thats all I can say right now, but I will put my next entry in as soon as I can tell you what it is. Cya.

Quitting Smoking

I just wanted everyone to know that I'm quitting smoking. If I don't post for a while or if I post so much I get on peoples nerves, if I post something a little mean, or if I post something a little out there please understand that I'm going through nicotine withdrawals. PLEASE BEAR WITH ME. I also ask that everyone please post at my unions as much as they can so that i have something to read and respond to. It helps me keep my mind off of not smoking. Thanks everyone. I'll talk to everyone later. Bye for now.

Nothing new

There's nothing new going on for me as of now. Still work and go to school during most of my free time. I am happy to say that there a few people that will now call me friend on this website. Hey guys. If anyone wants a union to join I would suggest any of the 3 unions I'm a member of. Right now the game I'm mostly playing is City of Heroes and all I have to say is wow. This game is great. If you like comic books or ever did then you might just like this game. Also you must enjoy playing with others, because I'll go ahead and tell you that the game is a whole lot easier if your willing to play with others. Nothing much else is going on. Just wanted to check in with yall and let you know what was going on. Cya.

Doesn't someone want to be my friend?

Hey everyone, which according to my comments on my other entry is exactly nobody. Hope your all having a great day. I've sent a couple of friend requests out and tried to join a couple of these new union things but no one has responed so far. I guess nobody loves me. What a lonely life I'm doomed to live. If you read this and your looking for a friend please send a request and I will happily accept. On a happier note my girlfriend is moving to my home town from Auburn, AL. We might have a job set up for her and a place for her to live. I love it when it comes down to the last minute for everything to work out. Maybe once we have this all settled I'll finally pop the big question. That is if I ever get some time to myself to go and look for a rock to buy for her if you know what I mean. The set date is at the end of May for her to move down. Oh well I'll right again as soon as I can. I don't know how long it will be if things keep going the way they've been going. CYA.

My First Entry

This is my first entry into my journal and I'm realy not sure what to write about but I ask that everyone please just bear with me. My spelling might not always be the best and the puctuwation and writing structure is the same so all you critics just give me a break. All I'm going to write about in this entry is the game I just recently finished playing. That would be The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. This game was a really fun game to play with the interactivness part, but I really didn't like the camera angles in this game. I mean I would be in the middle of a fight and could be surrounded by enemies and doing fine. I would move to the right just a little and suddenly I couldn't see any of my enemies that were around me. Some of them would go invisible so that for some reason I could see myself, and the others I couldn't see because they were behind me. I believe they should have used more camera angles from above your character rather than the eye level angles they mainly used. Overall I would have to say that it was still a pretty fun game to play and i would suggest this game to anyone who is looking for an action based third person game. That's the end of this entry. I apologize to all those people looking for entries on a more personal level, but sorry this is the first time I've done something like this and I have to get a little more comfortable with it before I do something like that.Thanks to all of those reading this for their time and please post comments and let me know what you think. Thanks.