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Gone Home
It's an immersive story about family and love, unlike any computer game you have ever played.
First, I want to thank Gamespot's Carolyn Petit for her fantastic review of this game, which made me decide to play it. I rated it a 9.5 only because the game is short, maybe 3 hours long. I tried to play it very slowly,... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Gold's Gym: Cardio Workout

Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM)

Planescape: Torment

Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM)


Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Titan Quest

EA Sports Active
EA Sports Active vs. Wii Fit? Which should you choose? My opinion is that the two programs work together perfectly.
I have been using EA Sports Active for a month, after also using Wii Fit for about two months. The programs are very different, but actually, compliment each other perfectly. I have been doing the EA Sports Active 30-day... Read Full Review
7 of 8 users found the following review helpful
Dragon Age II
It's a stripped-down version of Dragon Age Origins, and that will offend some. I was offended, but got over it.
Yeah, you can read what I wrote long ago, below. It was a positive review! But I missed the point. The point was ... the personal relationships in Dragon Age 2 are astounding. I have played it three times, and each time ... Read Full Review
3 of 12 users found the following review helpful
The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine
Anything Oblivion is always fun. Knights of the Nine is fun, by quick and pretty easy, for an experienced player.
I needed an Elder Scrolls Oblivion fix, after playing the full game and the Shivering Isles expansion pack. So I went ahead and got Knights of the Nine, and I've played through the KotN game on the CD. (I have yet to get... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
Storm of Zehir is better than most of the reviews you will read here. It advances the Neverwinter platform.
I am going to disagree with a lot of reviewers -- Storm of Zehir offers a lot to like in an RPG game. Maybe it is for us old-school RPGers. I have played every Neverwinter game, more than once, and nearly all of the othe... Read Full Review
5 of 6 users found the following review helpful
Shape Boxing: Wii de Enjoy! Diet
Good boxing (really dancing) workout, appealing music, addictive.
I got the Gold's Gym Cardio Workout for Christmas last year, and used it for a bit, then set it aside. At the time I was doing Wii Fit and EA's Sports Active. A couple months ago I started back with EA Sports Active and ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
EA Sports Active 2
Huge improvement over the original EA Sports Active, and the original was an excellent exercise program.
EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii is the gold standard for an exercise program, and it blows the Wii Fit franchise out of the competition. Here is why: 1) Active 2 pretty much frees you from holding the Wii remote, e... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Madden NFL 07
This is a sports game. The Wii controllers make Madden a sport. Newbies ... get a used version of 07 .. great value.
I've tried to play Madden with a game controller on a PC and failed miserably. The Wii controller is a much better way to play the game for the uninitiated. Hiking the ball, passing, running, kicking, are all pretty intu... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Hellgate: London
Great graphics, decent gameplay but ... BORING.
Hellgate: London, often described as a high-graphics Diablo, was a big disappointment for me. While the game follows along the path of Diablo -- hacking, slashing and collecting -- there is absolutely no coherent story l... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Wii Sports
Wii is what it is. Corny? Yes. Fabulous fun? Yes.
I'm a long-time RPG gamer, PC games like Neverwinter, Baldur's Gate, Icewind, Hellgate London, etc., etc. I love the thought and emotion involved in playing those games, and they will remain my favorite. So why get a Wii... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Very clever, very linear ... some RPG elements but in reality, a
I'm not a fan of shooters ... I am more into the RPGs like Neverwinter and Oblivion. I decided to play Bioshock based on the great reviews and the comparisons to 'System Shock 2,' a shooter I liked with a lot of RPG elem... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of The Betrayer
Disable the spirit-eater crap. Truly, get rid of that, and you have a wonderful, A++ game.
Neverwinter 'Mask' is a fantastic game, but to really enjoy it, and to have a great time playing it ... you must take my one, huge spoiler-ifique advice. DISABLE THE SPIRIT-EATER STATUS. Good lord, just enjoy this game. ... Read Full Review
9 of 10 users found the following review helpful
Dungeon Siege II
Long game, repetitive, but still very entertaining
I've spent more than two months playing Dungeon Siege II from start to finish and I've gotta say ... it is a hoot. If you are familiar with the original Dungeon Siege, you will get a rush from the apparent improvements o... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition)
Fantastic story variations -- game changes with each choice you make. Great storyline, great music.
No one really needs to hear my overall opinion on Dragon Age, Origins -- it's a great game and you already know that. But as a long-time RPGer, I want to point out some of the unique, ground-breaking elements: 1) The ... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Everything the critics say ... an outstanding game. Fantastic game design, really quick load times.
I had a great time playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I won't even bother singing its praises, since you're read all that many times before. I will note that I tried to play Morrowind earlier, and didn't like it. Th... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Titan Quest
Very good graphics for this type of game (Diablo-style), great sound. Gameplay is repetitive but remains fun.
I've finished a game on normal level, playing an assassin (warefare/rogue) combination. This game definitely gave me my money's worth. I've been playing it every day for weeks. This is Diable on steroids, much better gra... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
Near perfect, engrossing RPG
I played KOTOR years ago and loved it, but it didn't have nearly effect on me as KOTOR II. It is flat out fun, combining great battle sequences with wonderful characters, plot twists, emotional story lines. Honestly, get... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Could have been great, just so-so
I have played through one complete game of Sacred as a battle mage, and in many ways, it was a hoot. But it is a long game, and gameplay does not vary greatly through the game, so I am now pretty dang tired of it. Yes, I... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
I bought this game when it first came out, after enjoying the original Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast. I started playing and then set it aside -- for a reason I'll explain later -- and then got wrapped up in ... Read Full Review
12 of 14 users found the following review helpful
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