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24,000 Gamerscore; Xbox 360 burning; new game

Ok, so I got 1 week left to finish off the Old Spice Challenge and finish collecting 1,500 gamer points to win my copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2. When I started this challenge over a month ago, I was like "1,500 points in over a month? I can easily get that in 2 weeks!" But, after being out of my house for like 2 weeks, and being bogged down with finals and working 40 hours, it's become less than an easy task.

So, a couple days ago I bought DDR Universe for 360. I figure, since I used to be a DDR master, it ought to be easy points, plus I've been wanting it lately. And pretty easy points it is. It's not the best DDR yet, in fact, the screen size is smaller and the game just seems less fun than previous titles, but is still pretty good. The points take a bit of work, but not too much, so I figure the 1,000 points from it would be about a 3-4/10 on the difficulty scale.

To date, I've got about 400 points towards my challenged 1,500. And I just passed 24,000 points last night, thanks to DDR Universe. And, as always, here's the breakdown of my last 1,000:

Days since 23,000: 42 days!!!!

Doom (0 points) - No new points, but I still can't stop playing this game on occasion. I really can't wait until the day Doom II comes out, even though it probably never will.

Geometry Wars Evolved (0 points) - Again, no new points, but a very fun game to pick up and play sometimes.

Cabela's Alaskan Adventures (240 points) - Not a good game. Not even great for points. I recommend avoiding this game, glitchy waste of time with a terrible engine.

Test Drive Unlimited (10 points) - Finally bought this game and finally got the Trade achievement, since it wasn't working before the most recent patch.

Condemned: Criminal Origins (200 points) - A pretty good game. Unfortunately, the disc from Blockbuster was scratched in such a way that I could not continue past I think chapter 4 and never got to finish the game.

Heavy Weapon & Root Beer Tapper (0 points) - Wouldn't buy either. Definitely not up my alley.

Paper Boy (35 points) - I forgot how hard this game can be. Definitely brought back some good memories, though. Very difficult achievements.

Rainbow Six Vegas (265 points) - Surprised me at its awesomeness. A very fun single player (I don't do multi). Game plays insanely similar to Gears of War. Realistic difficulty is reasonably easy and a lot of fun, but a glitch prevented me from getting the achievement for completing insane. Be sure to read up on it before starting Realistic, if you've played Normal difficulty at all.

Crackdown (20 points) - I still have it, will probably get back to it, but I'm not a big fan (as stated in previous blog entry).

DDR Universe (280 points) - So far so good, should get another couple hundred tonight, if all goes as planned

So, only other news is that I'm climbing the Columbia Tower on Sunday (3 days from today). I'll try to get some video and pictures, please wish me luck and (if it's your thing to do) say a bit of a prayer for me. Even though this is for the Leukemia Society, and it prides me greatly to be working so hard for such a great cause, I'm really doing this one more for myself, to prove that I still got it. So, I'm off, got a big test in an hour, gotta study!

Leukemia Society Donations for Big Climb: $263 / Goal: $500
Current gamerscore stands at: 24,017
Current world gamerscore rank
: 5,273