Wow, that was a relatively quick one. Hell, 700 of the points, I scored just last night within 1 hour! I've been pretty busy lately with work and now watching the Olympics (go USA!), but I still managed to pull off a quick 1,000. Here's the rundown:
Days since 36,000: 15 days
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (60 points) - Very Gauntlet, in its gameplay. With that, it really needs to be co-opped. Unfortunately, it's not an amazing game, and not many people seem to have it. I only rented it, but if I can't find any co-oppers, I'll probably just send it back to Gamefly pretty soon.
Rock Band (0 new points (275 total)) - Man, points sure are hard to come by in this game! Still hangin out with the drums, loving the new set and getting better with the double kick pedals. Up to 111 downloaded songs! Definitely looking forward to Rock Band 2, though.
Call of Duty 4 (160 new points (220 total)) - I really like this game. I haven't gotten to multiplayer (and most likely never will), but the single player campaign is really fun gameplay. It's pretty tough, though, could definitely use some help in co-op.
Jumper: Griffin's Story (700 points) - Lmao, this game is a joke. Scored 700 points in about an hour. The gameplay is mildly interesting, but gets very redundant. Only recommended for achievements.
Braid (75 points) - I wasn't going to get Braid, especially since it was 1200 points ($15). I have been playing the weekly releases, trying to win the 100,000 ms points, and demo'd Braid. It looked cool, but not worth that much money. Then I read the latest Penny-Arcade and decided that it must be worth it. Tycho was definitely right. Braid is a very unique, Chu Chu Rocket-esque side scroller, with elements of Prince of Persia and Super Mario Bros. A very cool game, I certainly recommend it. There's a reason Gamespot gave it a 9.5. Comparing it with other arcade games, $15 seems expensive, but imagine if you saw a brand new 9.5 game in a games store for $15, you know your ass would pick that up in a second!
Current gamerscore stands at: 37,007Current world gamerscore rank: 17,875