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43,000 Gamerscore!!!

Well, finals week is upon me, and it's a heavy one, at that. Lots of pressure here, as this is my first finals week in a real university (I previously attended community college). I'm currently #1 in my accounting class by 3%, #1 in my calculus class by 15% (wow, I know, right?), and #2 in my business law class, trailing by 3%. My current GPA is 4.2, which is incredible, considering I transferred in with a 2.07! I guess all that B.S. I wrote in my admissions application letter wasn't B.S., after all!

Anyhoo, even with finals week approaching, I still managed to scored another G on the gamerscore sheet. A couple new games populate this thousand, as well as a few contributions from old favorites. So, here's the rundown:

Days since 42,000: 23 days

Silent Hill: Homecoming (10 points) - I think I may be outgrowing Silent Hill games. I was crazy about the first couple, but now the controls just feel broken and the frights are mostly predictable and ineffective. I think I'm gonna send this one back to Gamefly soon.

GRAW 2 (35 points) - GRAW 1 was the first Ghost Recon I ever got into, and I really enjoyed it, but GRAW 2 just can't satisfy me after tasting the likes of Rainbow Six Vegas and Gears of War. After those, GRAW just feels kiinda cheap.

Fallout 3 (400 new points(1000 total)) - Finished off the 1000, and finished off 3 play throughs. There is less to play in Fallout 3 than in Oblivion and Morrowind, but at least Fallout 3 looks prettier and controls better.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (290 points) - In 2007, EA started putting level up experience systems into their sports games, and that's when I started taking an interest. in Tiger Woods 07, you can create your character, play challenges, and make your golfer all around more capable. I played pretty thoroughly through the game, enough to get my golfer maxed out and play about half the tournaments, but after your skills are maxed, motivation to keep playing quickly dwindles. The gamerscore is fairly time consuming to come by, as well. Still, a fun game, and I'm sure I'll pick up some of the later editions soon.

Rock Band 2 (25 new points(430 total)) - That's right, kiddies, new RB2 points! The addition of the AN-I-MAL!!! achievement is the one that put me over 43,000. I still continue to play the drums about 3-5 days a week, and continue to piss off the neighbors. Some of the new 20 free songs actually turned out to be decent, fairly fun to play.

And one more thing to mention: As I have noted here before, I happen to own a 65" tv at home, and great news: I'm going to be bringing it here, to my dorm, after winter break! That thing will be such an awesome party tool!

Current gamerscore stands at: 43,012
Current world gamerscore rank: 17,823