I know, I should've posted this about 7 1/2 months ago, but honestly, it took me this long to get into the game. I've always been a big Final Fantasy fan and dove straight into all the previous ones with no hesitation, but something about 12 just didn't strike me right. Maybe it was the fact that I'd moved far beyond my PS2 days (except of course for Guitar Hero), possibly because I was still separating myself from FFXI, or it could've been the fact that all the characters had a creepy Aryan look to them. Either way, I played about half an hour of it months ago, then put it down until about a week ago. Then, I tried playing for a few hours, but just went for the hunts, not the story, because I didn't know what I was doing. The game seemed WAY too hard and I couldn't level up for crap, so I quit until about 3 days ago when I finally figured it out. Now, I've put in about 23 hours of gameplay.
Final Fantasy XII plays brilliantly like an MMORPG. It's difficult to describe this, but if you played 11, then 12, you'd notice striking similarities in the playing **** Then you've got the gambit system which is the most brilliant thing in Final Fantasy history. The graphics (i know, I sound like a casual) do look very impressive for PS2, although the jaggies are still abundant outside the cutscenes, and the load times seem a bit harsh. So yeah, the game kicks ass, if you haven't played it yet. And it seems like I'm going to get to a good 50 hours out of it atleast, so that's definitely a plus for me.
Oh yeah, and I got a job, delivering pizza for Papa John's. The job kinda sucks, but it was easy to get and still pays pretty well.
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