Ok, if you read my last blog, you'd know that I'm a Rock Band nut. Also check out pics of my Rock Band setup on my Flickr page.
Anyway, story at hand, just yesterday, I crossed the 400 songs threshold in what I have available for play in Rock Band 2. In the game, I can now choose from 55 original Rock Band songs, 84 Rock Band 2 songs, and a whopping 275 downloaded songs. This is, of course, not to mention the dozens of songs I've downloaded for Guitar Hero World Tour, but who really cares about that game, anyway?
In other Rock Band news, I think Alex Navarro is working for Harmonix now. That seems like a good place for him, considering how much he loved playing Rock Band. I think it may be him because I had a Rock Band issue, emailed Harmonix, and the response was from Alex Navarro.Kinda weird, maybe not him, but maybe it is.