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On This Day

Here's something I do every once in a while, although I haven't been checking much lately. Whenever there's a big game that was released on a certain day in history, I like to report on its birthday. Today's not a huge one, but we haven't had many since I have been checking over the past couple weeks, so I'll do it today. Since there's actually only one for today worth mentioning, I'll throw in something else:


Hitman: Blood Money (X360) - 2006 - One year ago today, this greatest Hitman game ever was released. Assloads of fun, if you haven't tried it, a really great game.


Death of Joan of Arc - 1431 - Like I said, there was only 1 game worth mentioning, so here's an anniversary 576 years in the making.


That's all for now. Oh yeah, and I've been scratching my bug bites on my feet so much that most of them are raw and bleeding. I have no self control. It really sucks.


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