Oh hell. I joined Bally's gym yesterday, and worked out for the first time today (since I gave blood yesterday). I met with a trainer, and man, he beat the hell out of me. I used a stair climber, it's the one that has actual steps that you climb up. I made it about 60 flights in 20 minutes, and was surprised at how easy it actually was. But, then he got me on lunges, and that took a lot out of me. I was closer to passing out than I've ever been since high school football. Needless to say, I got a good workout. But, on the bright side, I'm now sure I can make it up the building, now it's just a matter of speed. Anyway, I'm up to $90 on the donation scale, thanks in large parts to my Mom and mikethemonkey, but I still need to raise a lot more money for the Leukemia Society. It's a very good society, that puts the money to great use. So if you can spare $5, it would do a lot of good. So, if you can, please donate here. Current gamerscore stands at: 21,332
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,876
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