i can't wait for the wii i also wanted to get a ps3 on release as wellbut due to the shorteges im guessing that the likly hood of that is very slim since most eb's will be getting around four console tops and then then employees will get first shot at preorders. and then probly half of em will go on ebay. at least nintendo did the right thing and made sure they where going to have enough systems for every body. im still going to get a ps3 i will just have to wait a bit i guess.
Really this is no big deal considering that the cheapest blu-ray player is around a grand your getting a good deal. and im still not worried about launch titles as i figure that with every system the first round of games are all usally a little weaker it happened with the ps2 and the 360 and the xbox. Not to say they will all be weak just most of the line up usally is or the good ones are incredubly short and u finish them with a night. But what ever since there going to be in high demand on launch im going for 2, 1 to keep and 1 to ebay.
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